Early season scrapes can sometimes have big results. During these first couple weeks if you can locate a scrape between bedding and feeding most of the time, more than one mature buck is hitting it. From what I gathered over the years I see the bucks are trying to establish a pecking order leading up to the rut. I currently am watching a scrape where a 3 and a 4 year old buck are still in the same area. As october rolls in so will the scrape action. I am personally a huge fan of scrape hunting. I try to make bucks in areas where I know there are multiple big bucks, start the boxing early. I use buck urine and very small amounts of tarsal gland to get the party started. I make the spots convenient for me, close to a tree I can strike from and he can’t check downwind without me getting a shot. Points of ridges and saddles are my favorite spots for scrapes. If you want a cool show, flick your covert trail camera on video and set it back about 7-10 yards from the scrape. let them tell you how aggressive they are getting and what direction they are coming from. Pay attention to every detail cause it may make or break your chances of sealing the deal on an old whitetail. goodluck….J